On the edge
What is expedition for us? Why do we organize expeditions?

For many people the word "expedition" brings the image of nature, people with backpacks, researches, measurements. In our case it is the same and not exactly the same.

Expedition for us is a way to solve scientific, environmental, research tasks, as well as to study and assist local communities. It also includes the element of discovering oneself through diving into wild nature, diving in rural and indigenous communities. This is a process of awareness-raising and transformation. In an expedition you start to understand how theoretical knowledge works in practice, you make small discoveries all the time and they make you thrilled and inspired, and sometimes – despaired. By solving scientific problems in a forest or on a seaside, you also make experiments on yourself in order to feel at home together with other living beings. So often happiness of being in nature gives way to pain and despair when you see how the felling of trees or a quarry destroys a place amazing by beauty and strength. When you see how local people live in a state of misery, apathy or aggression because of what is happening around. In a word, during the expedition you get an experience that transforms you inside and makes you act differently outside. For us expeditions are a natural source for critical thinking and transformation.

We conduct scientific research expeditions in forest areas to study and collect materials for follow-up environmental protection of these territories, and also to study the problems of destructive use of nature and to develop alternatives for symbiotic interaction with nature. We also conduct expeditions to various traditional and new rural communities, as well as to indigenous communities. These sociological-anthropological expeditions have both scientific and practical outcome: they help to comprehend and build up interaction on the nature-aligned development of rural areas. Research topics: adaptation to climate change, traditional cultures, self-organizing mechanisms in communities, environmental practices, etc.

As a rule, expeditions have also educational, enlightenment purposes. Expedition participants learn from the environment, each other; some participants often have a task to acquire specific competencies and skills.

Different scientists take part in our expeditions: biologists, ecologists, sociologists, anthropologists, experts and specialists in environmental protection, development of territories etc., as well as those willing to learn.

We invite you to cooperate and participate. We will inform here about new expeditions and participation conditions. We will also be happy to join the expeditions organized by others.

Email: 0ontheedge@gmail.com
Indigenous cultures
Transformational processes